

The game is released! You can download the full version on itch.io: https://pinlin.itch.io/darknights
Development blog: http://darknights-time.weebly.com/
Tumblr: http://darknightsblog.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/darknights_off
Discord chat server:https://discord.gg/b7wwHhx
♦ Game info ♦
Commercial or free? It will be free
Release date? 31 October 2019
Screensize: 1280 x 720
Genre: Mystery, fantasy, romance, horror, psychological
Rate: 16+ for violence, blood and suggestive themes
There are 3 different type endings per route.
Romantic End | Normal End | Death End
♦ Features ♦
♦ 4 routes, each with a unique storyline
♦ 16 possible endings, 4 per storyline
♦ At least 10 hours playtime - 60,000 - 70,000 words per storyline. Total 270,608 words
♦ 8+ side characters, vary per route.
♦ 60 CG art/20+ cut scenes
♦ 60 Original background art
♦ 40 Original soundtracks
♦ 29 Achievements
♦ Opening video
♦ Bonus material
♦ Story ♦
The protagonist is student who has no goals in life. She lives in a calm village and grows bored of the environment. Despite her potentials, she doesn’t work to develop them. Suddenly disappearances occur in the village. At the same time the protagonist meets new faces. It is suspected that a new resident is possibly involved in the events. The protagonist chooses one to investigate. From there the plot separates in four different story lines. Along the story she realizes what is important to her and discovers new things about her environment.
The story is told through moving sprites, original background art, unique illustrations and original soundtracks. Despite the title, Dark Night’s world is vibrant with visuals. The story appears to be slice of life, but it quickly gets down to its true color.
♦ Main characters ♦
Miyoko (can be changed):
The heroine (you) in this story. A strong, badass and intelligent daredevil.
Just like his appearance, he is a real gentle man. He always speaks in a polite manner and is kind to the heroine.
On the other hand his expression always carries a little bit of sadness. He is often absent-minded, which makes
the heroine wonder what he is thinking about.
A strange guy who suddenly appear in front of the heroine's house. After a few incidents and misunderstandings, he is labeled
as a stalker. Despite his cheerful personality, the heroine suspect his true intentions are different.
He is a little shy around new people, but keeps his friendly attitude. He is often seen alone during night. Somehow he
disappears exactly when the murders occur. He may not look harmful, but what is hidden behind this innocent face?
Blunt and straight forward character. He prefers to be alone and often chases others away. Despite his cold attitude,
he saves the heroine on the verge of death. Since he avoids questions, the heroine thinks he is hiding something.
♦ Side characters ♦
Miyoko's childhood friend. His father works as investigator and he is up to date with latest news.
Another childhood friend. Almost the opposite of Lioji and often worries about the heroine. Ikuya knows how to lighten the mood.
Mysterious student from other class.
Older brother of Junoru. He is arrogant and doesn't trust people easily.
Elite class student. He is sensetive about comments on his looks. Normally he is composed, and spends most of his time in the library.
Mysterious man that acts suspiciously around you.
Transfer student and twinbrother of Jace. His cold attitude makes him disliked by most of his classmates.
Transfer student and twinbrother of Blace. Acts friendly on the surface, but is cautious.
♦ Questions for you ♦
1. Which character is your favorite/looks the most interesting and why?
2. What are your overall thoughts of this concept?
♦ Solo project ♦
Story, sprite art, bg art, cg art, GUI and programming are done by myself. Currently, I'm working with a few composers
to create original soundtracks and sound effects. This game will NOT have voice acting. It may change my mind depending on
how much support this project gets.
Feel free to ask questions and please tell me your opinions!
♦ Update Log ♦
12 July 2019: Update game info.
21 March 2018: Edited progress. The demo is playable and we are working on the opening video. Last ingredient for the release!

MadPanda here with the ending of Zeikun's route and the first part of Junoru's route! I hope you guys enjoy this video!https://pinlin.itch.io/darkn. When it comes to personality, Junoru appeals to me. Though I also want to find out more on Sachiro. On looks, Chain. Oh wow, he looks amazing. Too bad he's a side character. If it worries you that much, maybe you could make an option at the beginning where people can play the game without those horror scenes.

8 October 2017: Update previews and edited progress.
14 June 2017: Update previews and changed resolution to HD.
29 April 2016: I haven't updated this post for nearly a year.
From now on I will drop any new content in this post as well as the site. As a beginner, I totally underestimated
the workload of making a VN. I apologize for keeping you wait while making updates that it will be finished soon.
On the other hand, I'm grateful to all old and new supports for the feedback and support. Your words drive me
on to continue and I will keep my promises.

Junior Achievement

JunoruJunior dos santos
5 August 2015: Thank you so much for the support everyone!
It's been a long road but we are close to finish this project. I have replaced the screenshots because I changed
my art style during the months. Also updated the progress and game info. Please follow my blog for more recent updates.


1- 7 September 2014: I apologize for lack of updates for a while. The project is still ongoing, I made an official site.
Please follow me here! http://darknights-time.weebly.com/
- Added some background and GUI preview
- Updated progress