Request Servertoontown Offline Servers


The Toontown Test Server or known as Test Town or simply Test was a server hosted by Disney for testing new content for Disney's Toontown Online with a small amount of players before making the content publicly available on the 'open' server. Only subscribing players who had requested (and subsequently granted) access through the website could participate on the test server. Verify the status of the database server. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. A review of the deadlocks shows a stored procedure of dbo.spUnpublishPolicyRequest being executed with an objectlock against the dbo.POLICYREQUESTACTIONSERVERS table from each of the locks.


This article helps you fix an issue where the System Center 2012 Orchestrator runbook server goes offline due to deadlocks.

Original product version: Microsoft System Center 2012 Orchestrator
Original KB number: 2860832


The System Center 2012 Orchestrator runbook server takes itself offline due to database errors resulting from being the victim of one or more deadlocks. Orchestrator platform events as viewed in the Runbook Designer or the Orchestration console reports the following events:

Summary: Runbook Server <computer> is experiencing frequent errors while accessing the database
Details: The Runbook Server is experiencing frequent errors while accessing the database. Verify the status of the database server. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.

A review of the deadlocks shows a stored procedure of dbo.sp_UnpublishPolicyRequest being executed with an objectlock against the dbo.POLICY_REQUEST_ACTION_SERVERS table from each of the locks.


Toontown Servers To Play

Numerous runbook instances are being completed at the same time and executing the dbo.sp_UnpublishPolicyRequest stored procedure to remove the completed instance. The foreign key relationship from the dbo.POLICY_REQUEST_ACTION_SERVERS table with a cascading delete option but no index against the SeqNumber column of the foreign key is causing a full table lock to occur rather than a more selective row lock. When the multiple executions attempt to convert their intent to lock (IX) locks to exclusive (X) locks, the deadlock results.

Request Servertoontown Offline Servers Bedwars


Request Servertoontown Offline ServersRequest servertoontown offline servers cs 1.6

Toontown Offline Mini Server

Use SQL Server Management Studio to execute the following T-SQL against your Orchestrator database to create an index on the SeqNumber column of the dbo.POLICY_REQUEST_ACTION_SERVERS table.

More information

Example of what kind of content you will see when examining SQL Server deadlock graph details:

Request Servertoontown Offline Servers Cs 1.6

<process taskpriority='0' logused='1596' waitresource='OBJECT: 10:2142630676:0 ' waittime='85' ownerId='255020956' transactionname='DELETE' lasttranstarted='2013-06-05T22:20:51.713' XDES='0x454c4d4d8' lockMode='X' schedulerid='4' kpid='12168' status='suspended' spid='183' sbid='0' ecid='0' priority='0' trancount='2' lastbatchstarted='2013-06-05T22:20:51.713' lastbatchcompleted='2013-06-05T22:20:51.710' lastattention='1900-01-01T00:00:00.710' clientapp='Orchestrator' hostname='COMPUTER' hostpid='3596' loginname='DOMAINusername' isolationlevel='read committed (2)' xactid='255020956' currentdb='10' lockTimeout='4294967295' clientoption1='673185824' clientoption2='128056'>
<frame procname='Orchestrator.Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Runtime.Internal.CompleteJob' line='22' stmtstart='1054' stmtend='1230' sqlhandle='0x03000a0044da8e2771265d0124a0000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'>DELETE FROM
[SeqNumber] = @SeqNumber </frame><frame procname='Orchestrator.dbo.sp_UnpublishPolicyRequest' line='19' stmtstart='820' stmtend='1080' sqlhandle='0x03000a00ac66a25373265d0124a0000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'>EXEC [Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Runtime.Internal].[CompleteJob] @JobId, @SeqNumber, @PolicyID, 'S-1-5-500', @JobStatus </frame></executionStack><inputbuf>Proc [Database Id = 10 Object Id = 1403152044] </inputbuf></process>

Toontown Offline Test Server

<objectlock lockPartition='0' objid='2142630676' subresource='FULL' dbid='10' objectname='Orchestrator.dbo.POLICY_REQUEST_ACTION_SERVERS' mode='IX' associatedObjectId='2142630676'>