Kurd & Kurdistanhome


Kurds Kurd کورد Kurdish sun Total population 30–40 million (The World Factbook, 2015 estimate) 36.4–45.6 million (Kurdish Institute of Paris, 2017 estimate) Turkey est. 14.3–20 million Iran est. 8.2–12 million Iraq est. 5.6–8.5 million Syria est. 2–3.6 million Germany 1.2–1.5 million France 150,000 Netherlands 100,000 6 Sweden 83,600 7 Russia 63,818 8 Belgium 50,000 9. © 2021 by KurdMovies.All Rights Reserved. Powered by Ahmed SamirAhmed Samir. What Krugman left out, however, is the most likely explanation: (d) Trump is president of the United States. Nothing in this world is certain except death, taxes, and America betraying the Kurds. Between 25 and 35 million Kurds inhabit a mountainous region straddling the borders of Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Armenia. They make up the fourth-largest ethnic group in the Middle East, but.

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A group of people consisting 45 million in a region called Kurdistan, that is precisly between Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Armenia. The Kurds have historical root that stretches as far as 12,000 years old. The Kurds have been mentioned by the Greek general and historian Xenophone in his boom 'Anabasis,' they are mentioned in the Bible as the Medes, the Kurds ancestors, and they are mentioned in the many other ancient historical documents. They are the people who have been resisting assimilation, oppression, suppression, and annhilation by the cruel and in humane actions of the governments of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Armenia.
The Kurds in the 'Anabasis' are mentioned as 'strong peace loving people but strong fighters if provoked.'
Despite chemical and biological weapons of mas destruction being used on the Kurds twice, durig the 1930's by Winston Churchil and during 1988 by Saddam Hussein; despite genocide being conducted against them from the nations metioned above and the on-going cultural-genocide; and despite the horrendous and heinous actions being used against them such s rape, torture, killings, they Kurds have always rose to defend themselves, defend their rights and are standing tall.
Not a single US Soldier has died or hurt in Kurdistan, the land of the Kurds, while over 4000 have died in Iraq.
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Kurd & KurdistanhomeKurd
A deranged, poorly-planned attempt to seize power; particularly if an election does not turn out in your favor.
Disgraced attorney Rudy Giuliani’s face became drenched in sweat and hair dye as he invented evidence of widespread voter fraud during President Trump’s clown coup.
Kurd & Kurdistanhome
by Peach_emoji December 13, 2020
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A historic Indo-European people numbering 30-40 million inhabiting a region known as Kurdistan since approximately 3000 B.C.
First written record of the Kurds was by Xenophon, a general under Alexander the Great, who noted the troubles the Greek army had when crossing the 'Land of Karda' and being confronted by fierce indigenous warriors.
Kurdistan was partitioned and annexed into Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria by British colonialist in 1921, after the breakup of the Ottoman empire.
This tactical decision was taken in order to allow future manipulation of the Kurdish populations with the aim of destabilise the respective countries.
Having been subjected to various attempts of assimilation and genocidal campaigns, most notably by successive Turkish and Iraqi governments, the Kurds have largely persevered; still retaining the burning passion of self-determination they had when first subjected to Islamic colonialism centuries ago.
The status quo of the Kurdish region is and has always been directly consequential to stability in the Middle East. Six successive Iraqi regimes were deposed due to Kurdish uprisings.
Presently, the capture of a popular Kurdish leader and ostensible reforms in Turkey have largely kept Northern Kurdistan quiet.
Southern Kurdistan (Iraq) has had self-determination and de-facto autonomy for the last 13 years, and looks set to because fully autonomous of the makeshift Iraq government taking power in 2005, provided Islamic fundamentalists do not get their way.
Repressive measures in Easter (Syria) and western (Iran) Kurdistan have been adopted to keep Kurdish independence from happening, however these have been met by civil unrest and an escalation in riots as seen in Quashmili
'The Kurds have no friends but the mountains' - A Kurdish Saying
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Kurd Sat Video

Jan 20 trending

Kurd Music Kurdistan Turkey

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
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  • 13. obnoxion
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  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
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