

  1. Mock Nba Draft
  2. Mock Mock
  3. Mock Draft Simulator

transitive verb

[with object]
  • 1Tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner.

    • ‘We laughed, we mocked, we teased, we made fun of each other, we made fun of strangers.’
    • ‘Later, he had party members laughing as he mocked the premier's economic recovery plan.’
    • ‘I worked in talkback radio for several years and when the microphone is off, people like him are openly mocked and laughed at by the hosts.’
    • ‘The awkwardness between them soon vanished when they began laughing and mocking the poorly produced film.’
    • ‘Everyday I had to go through the pain of being mocked and laughed at.’
    • ‘Have you no thought of how your children will be mocked and teased by other children when they're at school?’
    • ‘It was the first time I started laughing and not to mock something.’
    • ‘Wendy was so supportive as she mocked and laughed at me.’
    • ‘Doing so is justifiable cause for being mocked, teased, and otherwise humiliated.’
    • ‘We laugh and mock from the moment of their first appearance.’
    • ‘The reproach was lightly mocking and they both laughed.’
    • ‘May be it was just because of her bad mood and hopeless situation but it seemed as if they were laughing sinisterly and mocking at her.’
    • ‘Today millions of unbelievers sit in front of their TV sets laughing and mocking at what once was considered sacred.’
    • ‘None of the people we get on well with are being treated that badly; hassled a bit and teased and mocked, maybe, but not hit or tripped in the corridors.’
    • ‘I confess, that while we did not mock, we did laugh out loud at the protesters.’
    • ‘But would you make fun of her, laugh and mock at her?’
    • ‘A very common response to this is essentially to mock this as ridiculous.’
    • ‘We may laugh, scowl or mock initially, but eventually we usually recognize them as what they are and move on.’
    • ‘But most of all, the politically correct do not like being publicly mocked and revealed as ridiculous.’
    ridicule, jeer at, sneer at, deride, treat with contempt, treat contemptuously, scorn, make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at, make jokes about, laugh to scorn, scoff at, pillory, be sarcastic about, tease, taunt, make a monkey of, rag, chaff, jibe at
    sneering, derisive, contemptuous, scornful, sardonic, insulting, satirical, sarcastic, ironic, ironical, quizzical, teasing, taunting
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    1. 1.1Make (something) seem laughably unreal or impossible.
      ‘at Christmas, arguments and friction mock our pretense of peace’
      • ‘But if the past is any guide, the left will succeed once again in blocking the nomination of a minority judicial candidate whose success mocks their mantra that minorities can't make it in America.’
      • ‘It mocks principles of justice, including basic norms of fairness, as well the underlying basis of contract law, which is the orderly regulation and development of commercial life.’
      • ‘This is the time to decide whether this country and, by logical extension, the fate of the world should be in the hands of a leader whose essential mode of governance mocks the ideals of a free society.’
      • ‘But the reality on the ground mocks those assertions.’
      • ‘But the ingrained assumption that we are legislator, judge, jury and executioner mocks any notion of global order.’
      • ‘Democracy works by keeping leaders accountable and a campaign that consists of little more than photo opportunities mocks democracy, period.’
      • ‘His work mocks our desire for a safe, fantasy non-place for our garbage.’
      • ‘The phenomenon runs deep; it mocks political barriers and reaches all circles.’
      • ‘But today the daily panic and the long line of citizens testing for anthrax mocks this misplaced confidence.’
      • ‘The music mocks the pompous words with its crude, plodding scales, and speaks of horror rather than triumph.’
    2. 1.2Mimic (someone or something) scornfully or contemptuously.
      ‘When he looked up, he saw Kerna mocking him, imitating a woman drinking tea on the same log before the thicket.’
      • ‘I mimicked the innocent grin she displayed herself moments ago, mocking her now displeased demeanor.’
      • ‘The children burst out laughing when she mocked the way some people took food, comparing it to the cows chewing its cud.’
      parody, ape, guy, take off, caricature, satirize, lampoon, imitate, mimic
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Mock Assembly This section introduces assembly, not the real one but the conceptual assembly just to learn how the stack is manipulated. So, in this section, we're not going to use real names of registers such as Accumulator (EAX), Counter (ECX), Data (EDX), Base (EBX), Stack Pointer (ESP), Base Pointer (EBP), Source Index (ESI),. Step 8 - Use j5 to design the Mock assembly: Follow the directions on the stand alone simplified web interface documentation page for using j5 to design a Mock assembly. For the purposes of this example, the input files you will upload are (assuming the default j5 assembly parameters and an empty/blank master plasmids list; note that following. In manufacturing and design, a mockup, or mock-up, is a scale or full-size model of a design or device, used for teaching, demonstration, design evaluation, promotion, and other purposes. A mockup is a prototype if it provides at least part of the functionality of a system and enables testing of a design. Mock-ups are used by designers mainly to acquire feedback from users. 2 days ago  In addition to the mock evacuation drill, another major task was undertaken this time, which was to maintain social distancing during the evacuation and assembly processes.


  • 1Not authentic or real, but without the intention to deceive.

    • ‘Jim threw up his hands in mock horror’
    • ‘As the cop turns to leave, the punk's screams change from mock protest to real anger.’
    • ‘We ate fish served with a salad and baked potatoes, followed by a dessert of real strawberries in mock cream (made up from powdered milk).’
    • ‘The popularity of this enduring musical is evident in the audience, who clap and cheer every song and gasp in mock horror at the untimely death of one of the heroes at the close of the play.’
    • ‘‘What are you implying,’ roars the actor in mock horror.’
    • ‘She feigned shock and gasped in mock horror.’
    • ‘She slapped her hands to her cheeks in mock horror.’
    • ‘Holly brought a hand to her mouth in mock horror.’
    • ‘Matt opened his eyes wide and turned to me in mock horror.’
    • ‘She looked at me in mock horror, and threw her pillow at me.’
    • ‘She gasped in mock horror, widening her eyes and her mouth forming an ‘o’ shape.’
    • ‘I sat up so I could see her, a look of mock horror on my face.’
    • ‘Arturo raised his hands to his mouth in mock horror.’
    • ‘They screamed in mock horror when they went past the roaring Abominable snowman and leaned into every turn.’
    • ‘Mattie gasped, fluttering a hand over his heart, his large eyes growing wide in mock horror.’
    • ‘The boys looked at Will in mock horror and disgust, moving away from Will ever so slightly in supposed contempt.’
    • ‘Jay widened his eyes in mock horror, holding his hands up in front of his chest.’
    imitation, artificial, man-made, manufactured, simulated, synthetic, ersatz, plastic, so-called, fake, false, faux, reproduction, replica, facsimile, dummy, model, toy, make-believe, sham, spurious, bogus, counterfeit, fraudulent, forged, pseudo, pretended
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    1. 1.1(of an examination, battle, etc.) arranged for training or practice, or performed as a demonstration.
      • ‘Last month re-enactors staged a mock battle at the site, as a testing ground before the full festival on September 23 and 24 next year.’
      • ‘Various re-enactment groups, from Vikings to 20th century, will liven up the event with mock battles and drills.’
      • ‘This video is funny, like the guys on donkeys, but becomes chilling as the children engage in their mock battle.’
      • ‘In this mock battle, the men try their best not to get captured.’
      • ‘With mock examinations and mid-term breaks over the next few weeks very few games have been arranged.’
      • ‘Artificial lakes were often created and ships conducted a mock battle (called the Naumachia).’
      • ‘He will be a fine knight, if his show at the mock battle was not a fluke.’
      • ‘She began to punch and kick the air in mock battle.’
      • ‘Instead, faces decorated in warrior paint, the participants enact mock battle situations in their movements, exercising their frustrations in a better way.’
      • ‘We have mock battles with each other on a daily basis.’
      • ‘The mock battle began with shots shouted back and forth.’
      • ‘As groups of youths prepared for a carnivalesque mock battle that was to have been the popular centre-piece for one of these festivals, the celebrations turned into a riot.’
      • ‘And the Club offer mock interviews to pupils who are preparing to start jobs or university.’
      • ‘The competition consists of the school teams going head to head in a mock trial with a real judge acting as adjudicator.’
      • ‘Students walked to the stage and faced this mock interview under the full glare of those who had gathered at the college auditorium.’
      • ‘Since then, he has had to undergo a number of interviews, mock breakdown scenarios and mechanical tests.’
      • ‘The final module is on interview preparation, including mock exercises and exam papers.’
      • ‘So they put me through a mock interview and at the end of it I was invited and then offered the position.’
      • ‘Go through a mock interview with a friend or peer.’
      • ‘It was armed with a cache of stuffed animals and sparkles with the intent of staging a mock siege of the fenced-in leaders.’
      simulated, feigned, pretended, practice, trial, mock, make-believe
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Mock Nba Draft

  • An object of derision.

    • ‘he has become the mock of all his contemporaries’


    make a mock of
    • Hold up to scorn or ridicule.

      • ‘stop making a mock of other people's business’

Mock Mock


Late Middle English from Old French mocquer ‘deride’.

Mock Draft Simulator

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