Session Description

Embed a Google Slides presentation into your Mahara ePortfolio page so it will automatically scroll and include your animations. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.

Stella Kim shares her teams' presentation that highlights the importance of proper quality and safety of medicine administration in one of her entries on her ePortfolio. Stephen Mora A dedicated student, Stephen Mora participates in research assignments for classes such as Human Anatomy and Physiology. Google Slides makes your ideas shine with a variety of presentation themes, hundreds of fonts, embedded video, animations, and more. Portfolios and other pre-made presentations — all.

Kindergarten -
First Grade -
Second Grade -
Free Eportfolios For Students

Third Grade -
Fourth Grade -
Fifth Grade -
Sixth Grade -
Secondary Student Examples-
ePortfolio Resources
Leading voice for ePortfolios - Dr. Helen Barrett
Reflections for Learning - A Google Site by Dr. Barrett
Creating An Eportfolio Free
Electronic Portfolios Academy - online course by Dr. Barrett
Introduction to K12 Portfolios - online course with Dr. Barrett
Eportfolio Google Sites
mPortfolios with iOS Devices by Dr. Barrett