Chapter 3newton's Laws Of Motionmr.'s Learning Website


  1. Chapter 3newton's Laws Of Motionmr.'s Learning Website Site
  2. Chapter 3newton's Laws Of Motionmr.'s Learning Website Learning

Chapter 13, Lesson 3 Newton's Laws of Motion. Reader booklet p. Brain Pop Video: Newton's Laws of Motion. Brain Pop Video: Flight. Brain Pop Video: Acceleration. Easy Kid Definitions of Newton's Three Laws of Motion. Use match box cars to teach the laws of motion. Use match box cars for Newton's Third Law of Motion. Force and Fan Carts.

  • In this lesson, students investigate and describe applications of Newton's third law of motion. TEKS. Knowledge: 8.6.C: investigate and describe applications of Newton's law of inertia, law of force and acceleration, and law of action-reaction such as in vehicle restraints, sports activities, amusement park rides, Earth's tectonic activities.
  • Make a Concept Map As you read the chapter, record what you learn about each of Newton’s laws in your concept map. STEP 4 STEP 3 STEP 2 STEP 1 Forces and Motion Imagine being on a bobsled team speeding down an icy run. Forces are exerted on the sled by the ice, the sled’s brakes and steering mechanism, and gravity. Newton’s laws pre.


Chapter 3newton

Lesson 4.3 Newton's Third Law

In this lesson, students investigate and describe applications of Newton's third law of motion.


•Knowledge: 8.6.C: investigate and describe applications of Newton's law of inertia, law of force and acceleration, and law of action-reaction such as in vehicle restraints, sports activities, amusement park rides, Earth's tectonic activities, and rocket launches

Chapter 3newtonChapter 3newton

Learning Goals

Chapter 3newton's Laws Of Motionmr.'s Learning Website Site

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to...

•Explain how forces occur in pairs.

•Describe applications of Newton's third law.

Chapter 3newton's Laws Of Motionmr.'s Learning Website Learning

Student and Teacher Resources

Ancillary Materials


Student Edition

Chapter 4:Study Guide

Reading 4.3:Newton’s Third Law

Chapter 4:Review

Chapter 4 Activity:Making a Spool Car

Investigation Manual

Investigation 4.3:Newton’s Third Law

Teacher Guide

Lesson 4.3:5E Lesson Plan

Chapter 4:Answer Key

Chapter 4:Pretest

Investigation 4.3:Answer Sheet

Lesson 4.3:Skill and Practice

Lesson 4.3:Graphic Organizer

Lesson 4.3:Guided Reading

Chapter 4:Test

Animation:Action and Reaction

Content Video:Newton's Third Law

Equipment Video:

Car and Ramp

DataCollector and Photogates

Lesson 4.3:Presentation Slides

Lesson 4.3 Whiteboard Resources:

Newton's Third Law

Action Reaction Guidelines
